Salvation Reject - Stay AliveТекст песни

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Sing for me angel of afterlife calming me down Chaos inside my nebula And make the wrong turn to right in a celestial light Forgive my sanctimony Tell me what they say that I'm supposed to know Tell me every little detail Make truth appear for me as distant memories Like pictures on a silver screen And my eyes sweep a shore that was always there A blood red line through the hemisphere I can't resolve where it's coming from I sense it The great pandemonium Just one Just one more Just one Just one more day One more day by the pits of hell Just one more when even yesterday was too late One more thought that I had to sell One last trick that you can despite On a silent shore I confronted fear I spoke to god but he wasn't there The sun is down and the war begun Assemble the great pandemonium
Текст песни был добавленBlackVelvetSea@blackvelvetsea

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