Salvation Reject - FearlessТекст песни

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When signs flashed to run without a trace we said forever Angels in this wake, arrived and gathered fate How one touch could save the world or at least mine Death called for me tonight but I'm not answering Lord pull me down and put me back in place Storm after storm, awake and alone I'll give you everything I have, pray its enough The darkest hour when my life is in ruins I scrape the walls with broken flesh from above I've taken daggers in my back and replaced. fading out again I pull away from the pain, sucking out the death And we stood in that room and watched it cover all of us Like the plague it covered us all And I loved loving you was the last thing she said And I loved loving you was the last thing I said The sky went red, turn your back and run Continue the chase through the darkest Across the mouth and into this ocean We see through skin to never forget And in the harbor she sleeps on her anchor waiting direction Then through the storms we align life and search forever after So we gather our way to answer all of our failures With hope and redemption Cause the last time its believing (Run away, run away, run away) Crush and break my fearless
Текст песни был добавленBlackVelvetSea@blackvelvetsea

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