No Regrets (1992)

Ernie Andrews текст песни

Ernie Andrews - Sweet LorraineТекст песни

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Ev'rything is set, skies are blue, Can't believe it yet, but it's true, I'll give you just one guess, My sweet Lorraine said "Yes;" Waiting for the time, soon to be, When the bells will chime merrily, (I'm so happy,)When it's raining I don't miss the sun, For it's in my sweeties smile, Just think that I'm the lucky one Who will lend her down the aisle; Each night I pray That nobody steals her heart away, Just can't wait until that happy day, When I mary sweet Lorraine. Ev'rything is set, skies are blue, Can't believe it yet, but it's true, I'll give you just one guess, My sweet Lorraine said "Yes;" Waiting for the time, soon to be, When the bells will chime merrily, (I'm so happy,)When it's raining I don't miss the sun, For it's in my sweeties smile, Just think that I'm the lucky one Who will lend her down the aisle; Each night I pray That nobody steals her heart away, Just can't wait until that happy day, When I marry sweet Lorraine.

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