The Charm The Fury - Carte BlancheТекст песни

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We’ve lived. We’ve bled. We are the ones you’ve left. We’re lost, dismissed. We will remember this. We are the answer to this lie. We’ve lived. We’ve bled. We are the ones you’ve left. We’re lost, dismissed. Now’s the time, pay the fucking debt. And I won’t let this pass, the truth will always surface. Don’t fear when you look in a coward’s eyes. The wrong this is to never do anything. We’ve let them leach of our backs too long, let the world know we are the answer. We’ve lived. We’ve bled. We are the ones you’ve left. We’re lost, dismissed. We will remember this. Save a prayer for integrity. We’re down to nothing, our hands are empty. And was it even worth it, tell me? Is the blood on your hands worth its price in gold. Make them pay! Time has come to make them pay! Our hands are empty. Don’t fear when you look in a coward’s eyes. For we are justified.
Текст песни был добавленBlackVelvetSea@blackvelvetsea

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