Suffer No Fools - Forgiven Or ForgottenТекст песни

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Believe me when I say It starts tonight We'll make them remember We won't give up the fight Look all around Broken windows in the street You feed us lies We are marching to the beat If we forget We are doomed to repeat Watch as they all do nothing Can’t take the heat Whether were forgiven or forgotten Have faith and find your way The sun comes up Begin another day You call me Judas Don't have the time of day You don't know what its like Were wasting away You promise peace and justice Through and through But we can all see It’s just a catch 22 If we forget We are doomed to repeat Watch as they all do nothing Can’t take the heat Whether were forgiven or forgotten Have faith and find your way The sun comes up Begin another day
Текст песни был добавленBlackVelvetSea@blackvelvetsea

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