Scars Of Life - Lost YearsТекст песни

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I've never liked you from the day our eyes met You're nothing but a burden to me And I never cared for all the praise you received Was told that I should be more like you It tears me apart when I think I can live up to you But I think I never will All the pain we've shared How I can stand you All these goddamn years They pass me by and I'm still right here I never knew how much you could get under my skin Like a thorn from inside And I always hated the way you looked down upon me Like I'm nothing to you My father always said I'm just jealous of you But I think this hate is real All the pain we've shared How I can stand you All these goddamn years They pass me by and I'm still right here I pretend I care Through these lost years How I can't stand you But I'm still right here Lost years All the pain we've shared How I can't stand you All these goddamn years They pass me by and I'm still right here I pretend I care Through these lost years How I can't stand you But I'm still right here

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