Love Unlimited - I'm Givin' You A Love Every Man Is Searchin' ForТекст песни

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I'm giving you a love you never had I know you need it It's the kind of love you need so bad Don't mistreat it I'm giving you a love you never had I know you need it It's the kind of love you need so bad Don't mistreat it Don't ever let me go, please don't do it Don't ever break my heart Don't put me through it No one on earth can love you the way I can And all my love is yours As much as you can stand I'm giving you a love that you could never find Again in your lifetime I'm giving you a love that every man is searching for And it's yours forever more I'm giving you a love that you could never find Again in your lifetime I'm giving you a love that every man is searching for And it's yours forever more I'm giving you a love you never had I know you need it It's the kind of love you need so bad Don't mistreat it I'm giving you a love you never had I know you need it It's the kind of love you need so bad Don't mistreat it In the beginning I could not believe it To find a love this strong I could not conceive it Morning, noon and night you're so much a part of me You're everything I am and everything I see I'm giving you a love that you could never find Again in your lifetime I'm giving you a love that every man is searching for And it's yours forever more I'm gonna keep on giving Just as long as I'm living Keep on giving just as long as I'm living Keep on giving Just as long as I'm living Keep on giving just as long as I'm living I'm giving you a love that you could never find Again in your lifetime I'm giving you a love that every man is searching for And it's yours forever more
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