Invictus - Turn Of The TideТекст песни

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Fight all your battles And never forget that You decide if your powers Will ever be great enough to Make it alone Since you were born You lost all your innocence Struggling to win this battle Don’t be afraid To stand up and fight Follow the way Into the light Winning the fight is part of the game Nothing is quite like craving for fame Price has been paid for you to rewrite History changes course overnight Closure, your need for closure Comes from exposure To the things that you have witnessed It is your weakness to all the sickness You’ve been around Always remember the game that you played And never fall to your knees in front of your fate Cause you were always alone, since you born You played all the cards you had, struggling to win this battle Don’t be afraid To stand up and fight Follow the way Into the light Winning the fight is part of the game Nothing is quite like craving for fame Price has been paid for you to rewrite History changes course overnight Weakness, your only weakness Comes from the sickness that you’ve been around And for sure, your need for closure Comes from exposure to what you’ve found
Текст песни был добавленBlackVelvetSea@blackvelvetsea

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