Force Fed

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Fucking swine. Filled with filth. Your morals are falsified. In your cell of shit. So drink this blood from your phallus. As your kingdom you love succumbs to ashes. And take your sins to the grave. Harming the same people you claim to save. I can imagine a lesser active living. You fucking piece of shit I hope you fucking get it. You live your life under a fucking Halo. When you should be drowning in your own waste. Rotten gums. Dripping poison from your lips. Thieving hands. Drawing innocence. Pacing to and from my own sanity. Devoted by a lost reality of violence and sinful, lustful mentality. Creating nothing but malignancy. And I hope that when you look in the mirror You see nothing but a failure. Your life is vindictive. Contradictive. Piece of shit. So how does it feel to be figured the fuck out. Figured out.
Текст песни был добавленBlackVelvetSea@blackvelvetsea

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