Deftones - Engine Number 9Текст песни

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This ain't no motherfuckin' stick up Just pick the stick up and watch it roll real close Rolling out my hand till it cracks to that fucking dome Living of the curb that peels you from the curb I lick the rest off do you dig, many in 93 Been making fools bout round, bumping around me You'll want to run straight from underground At the best walk the live from the verb On the beats I won't see your fuckin' head (Whore) Peers I flow and mother she Won't drain herself and won't be caught to live All live in a big world inside just because My life is unrise wipe, the lyrical did, did Get straight quickly Been making fools bout 'round, bumping 'round me You'll want to see from underground When no one else walks the live from the verb Now come in and see your fuckin' head (Whore) Peers I flow and mother she Won't drain herself and won't be caught to live She did what, she did what, she did what Just because my life is unrise wipe The lyrical did, did, wipe, did, wipe, did Last one wipe, lyrical did Last one wipe, lyrical did Begin in me because My psycho wipe What lyrical did Stop the fuckin' wipe the lyrical did Big into the wipe, did, wipe, did Wipe, did, wipe, did, no more

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