City In The Sea - ConvolutedТекст песни

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I will stop at nothing, To get what I deserve, But either way, Someone will always get, hurt. I have the ability to create madness, Or make peace within, I have the ability to destroy my worst intentions, my worst intentions. I will stop at nothing, To get what I deserve, But either way, Someone will always get, hurt. We spin the wheel of misfortune To find a cure, Face to face, a bright sky turns black How do we coexist? Its all just another mess to me My life has become, Convoluted I will stop at nothing, To get what I deserve, But either way, Someone will always get, hurt. Back to back A white flag turned red. We both forgot how to coexist. [x2] Face to face A white flag turned red. We forgot how to coexist, how to coexist We forgot how to coexist, how to coexist [x4] My life has become, Convoluted. Its just another mess to me My life has become, Convoluted, So close yet far away
Текст песни был добавленBlackVelvetSea@blackvelvetsea

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