Cindy Bullens - Steal The NightТекст песни

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You caught me looking through your window last night I only wanted to see you in the night I didn't mean to cause harm I was crazy to do it But if I told you just how many nights go by When I hold you just by focusing my eyes I may be a prowler in the dark But I would never hurt you I only steal the night away Steal the night away I can make it without you for one more day If I steal the night away I see you downtown and I watch you in school They know I'm staring They love to be cruel But I can't shake away from this dream You're gonna happen to me, to me So, darling, let me steal the night away Steal the night away I didn't mean it, baby, to cause you the pain Only steal the night away If I fantasize I'm sorry I hurt you by using my eyes It's over and done You'll never catch me again. You'll never catch me again Steal the night away Steal the night away If I could hold you beside me I know you would say Baby, steal the night away
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