Be'lakor - The Desolation Of AresТекст песни

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The scene where the battle took place Now only whispers of that war remain Through fen damp and glade deep Crept the fog which was their bane Harkee the pain Welcome your death and the silence it makes As foe cleaves foe in the dawn Bodies are strewn and sinews are torn Blood, hate and fear are his tools Shrouding their minds as they butcher like fools The frenzy of panic drives their steeds To a banquet grim for the crows to feed Amid the fury and sickness of struggle Ares strode unblemished and unseen Weaving his magic and dark illusion Upon a bloodied and wretched scene Harkee the pain Heralding death and the silence it makes As foe cleaves foe in the dawn Bodies are strewn and sinews are torn Blood, hate and fear are his tools Shrouding their minds as they butcher like fools The frenzy of panic drives their steeds To a banquet grim for the crows to feed Though Ares had drove them to fight A madness befell those who died To know that their cruel hand and sword Had slain their own brethren of yore
Текст песни был добавленBlackVelvetSea@blackvelvetsea

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