Two Clarinets On The Porch (1991)

Willie Humphrey текст песни

Willie Humphrey - I Want to Be HappyТекст песни

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I'm a very ordinary man Trying to work out life's happy plan Doing unto others as I'd like to have them doing unto me When I find a very lonely soul Soon be-kinda-comes my only goal I feel so much better when I tell them my philosophy I want to be happy But I won't be happy Till I make you happy too. Life's really worth living When we are mirth giving Why can't I give some to you When skies are gray and you say you are blue I'll send the sun smiling through I want to be happy But I won't be happy Till I make you happy too. When skies are gray and you say you are blue I'll send the sun smiling through I want to be happy But I won't be happy Till I make you happy too.

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