Redemption (1997)

WhiteHeart текст песни

WhiteHeart - Man OverboardТекст песни

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Man over me Man over you Man like a fist Man want to rule The crystal ball Predicts the fall Man over lord Man overboard Feels like we're drifting for some dark uncharted land Don't know where we're going but it's not where we have been Did we think that we could sail the waters of this storm We can't control the rudders and the sail's getting torn I'm afraid for me I'm afraid for you Man over me Man over you Man like a fist Man want to rule The crystal ball Predicts the fall Man over lord Man overboard Everywhere I turn I feel the pounding of the sea To think that we are drowning in our own hypocrisy Devoured by the mouths of all the things that we create We thought we were creators, now we're eaten by our fate I'm afraid for me I'm afraid for you Man over me Man over you Man like a fist Man want to rule The crystal ball Predicts the fall Man over lord Man overboard

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