Western Flyer - What Will You Do With M-EТекст песни

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Lately we're acting like two kids in school Spelling out things So he won't know we're through We know it's over and we don't want to say But letter by letter he showed me today And he really turned my head As he turned around with a tear in his eye And said Hey d-a-d-d-why,I saw m-a-m-a cry Say you're not going away Is it because of me Have I been be -a-d Please,daddy,please won't you stay 'Cause if you leave,what will you do with M-E So I picked him up,sat him down on my knee I thought I'd explain but again he showed me We've been too busy avoiding the blame We forgot the real heart Who will lose in this game And I still love you,I just didn't see Till he opened my eyes And he spelled it out to me Hey d-a-d-d-why,I saw m-a-m-a cry Say you're not going away Is it because of me Have I been be -a-d Please,daddy,please won't you stay 'Cause if you leave,what will you do with M-E Hey d-a-d-d-why,I saw m-a-m-a cry Say you're not going away Is it because of me Have I been be -a-d Please,daddy,please won't you stay 'Cause if you leave,what will you do with M-E Oh daddy,if you leave what will you do With me?

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