Venom - To Hell and BackТекст песни

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I have been to Hell and back - kissed satanic Queen Traveling at the speed of light - saw thing never seen Arm in arm with Lucifer - Belial on my back I have swam the lake of flames - walked forbidden tracks To Hell - and back To Hell - and back I've made love to Lilleth fair - danced the zombies dance I have shook the reapers hand - broke his deathly trance Present at ungodly births - mutants writhe in pain I'm possessed by Hell itself - I'm the man insane To Hell - and back To Hell - and back Ride with me To Hell - and back You can take a trip with me - Hell's my final home If you wish to live at night - watch the demons room Holding high the Southern Cross - watch the mortals bleed Drink the blood and feel my wrath - watch the mutants breed To Hell - and back To Hell - and back

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