Some Things Just Stick In Your Mind: Singles And Demos 1964-1967 (2007)

Vashti Bunyan текст песни

Vashti Bunyan - Love SongТекст песни

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I love your eyes when you look away Thinking somewhere else of what ought to be When they're suddenly blue for a moment of time Then the color goes when you look at me I love your hands as a part of you As they write a word just by staying still When you talk they move, painting what you say So I understand more than words can tell I love your hair in the dark it's soft In the light it moves, red and green are brown All the time it takes for a night to pass And a lifetime grows as the day comes down I love you now as you don't love me I can't let you know you're too far away But I wonder now just what did you see When you looked at me in that loveless way

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