D.I.S.C.O. (2012)

The Young Professionals текст песни

The Young Professionals - D.I.S.C.O.Текст песни

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I, I wrote some letters on a paper in your house It had a meaning no one else could figure out D is for doing what I want I is for saying that I can’t S is for somebody you’re not C for don’t call me and O is for oh no D.I.S.C.O I, I left my finger prints and skin my empty mind It had a reason no one else can make me cry D is for darling you’re so hot I inside you break my heart S for sometime when you’re around C is for curious and O is for oh my god D.I.S.C.O Disco I love you but cannot forgive you I want to believe you but you’ve hurt me before There’s no explanation for all this attention I should be strong and not open the door

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