Up, Guards And At 'Em! (2011)

The Pigeon Detectives текст песни

The Pigeon Detectives - LostТекст песни

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I can't seem to get this song out of my head Is it me? Is it you? Is it me now? I can't seem to get this song out of my head Is it you? Is it you? Is it me now? You don't know what it's doing to me You don't know what it's doing to me But I was never lost I just got out of here So now you won't lay me down No I was never lost I just got out of here So now you won't lay me down Remember yesterday these tricks were running red I lie down on the ground hearing noises This city's just a place to rest my head Sleeping off, coming down, hearing voices You don't know what it's doing to me You don't know what it's doing to me But I was never lost I just got out of here So now you won't lay me down No I was never lost I just got out of here So now you won't lay me down You don't know what it's doing to me You don't know what it's doing to me But I was never lost I just got out of here So now you won't lay me down No I was never lost I just got out of here So now you won't lay me down

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