Begin (1968)

The Millennium текст песни

The Millennium - To Claudia on ThursdayТекст песни

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Take off your shoes and feel the grass Lie back and let the hours pass Don't give a thought to anything in the world but you and me Let the heavens kiss you with the breeze Let the sunshine see you through the trees Don't give a thought to anything in the world but you and me Just take your time and let me get into your smile Relax and find just what we can feel for a while Open up your heart and breathe the air Let the wind and light play in your hair Don't give a thought to anything in the world but you and me Just take a look and see all the love in the sky And when you do the love will reflect in your eye Sing me a song without a sound And I will hear it through the ground Don't give a thought to anything in the world but you and me And everyone

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