Life, Love And Leaving (2001)

The Detroit Cobras текст песни

The Detroit Cobras - Shout BamalamaТекст песни

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"He's down in Alabama I shouting Bamalama Way down in Louisiana Well, well, nobody gone set him down Lord have mercy on my soul How many chickens have I stole One last night and the night before I'm going back to try and get 10, 11 more (Unintelligible) I love the chicken baby Shouting Bamalama Well, well, nobody gone set him down Nine Feet & Ten Feet were going towards the feild? Nine Feet stepped on Ten Feet's heel? Ten Feet swung around and knocked Nine Feet's grin? He teeth fell out and his tongue stayed in His captain said so He got chicken baby Shouting Bamalama Well, well, nobody gone set him down Leo the Monkey told the lion one day 'A bad little gorilla coming down your way' They way he talk about your family is a crying shame He say your mother is working on the chain gang She busting bricks now (Unintelligible) Shouting Bamalama Well, well, nobody gone set him down The preacher and the deacon were praying one day Along come a bear coming down their way The preacher told the deacon to say a prayer He said "lord, a prayer? I want to kill this bear" I got to make it baby Shout Bamalama I've got to run for it Well, well, nobody gone set him down"

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