The Backyardigans - Racing DayТекст песни

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Racing day, it's racing day Racing day, it's racing day It's not picture-tracing day Today's the day we race We'll run somewhere that's not right here And while we do the crowd will cheer Through the forest over the snows Across the ocean and then who knows Whoever is the first around Will get to make that victory sound Dunt-da-daa, is what they'll say At the end of racing day Racing day, it's racing day Racing day, it's racing day It's not doily lacing day Today's the day we race A long, long, long, long way we've come To get back where we started from We raced real hard but now it's time To break that tape and cross that line Racing day, it's racing day Racing day, it's racing day It's not self-effacing day Today's the day we race Today's the day we race Today's the day we race

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