T.E.V.I.N. (1991)

Tevin Campbell текст песни

Tevin Campbell - Strawberry Letter 23Текст песни

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Ooh ooh ooh Ooh ooh ooh Hello, my love, I heard a kiss from you The red magic satin playing near, too All through the morning rain, I gaze the sun doesn't shine The rainbows and waterfalls run through my mind In the garden, I see the west purple shower, bells and tea Orange birds and river cousins dressed in green Pretty music I hear, so happy and loud Blue flowers echo from a cherry cloud Feel sunshine sparkle pink and blue The playgrounds will laugh If you try to ask Oh, is it cool? Is it cool? If you arrive and don't see me, I'm going to be, be with my baby I am free, flying in her arms, over the sea Stained window, yellow candy screen See speakers of kites, with velvet roses diggin' freedom flight A present from you, Strawberry letter 22 The music plays, I sit in [Incomprehensible], for you Ooh ooh ooh Ooh ooh ooh Ooh ooh ooh Ooh ooh ooh Aah aah aah Aah aah aah A present from you, Strawberry letter 22 The music plays, I sit in for a few Ooh ooh ooh Ooh ooh ooh Ooh ooh ooh ...

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