Eternity (1999)

Steve Barakatt текст песни

Steve Barakatt - RomanceТекст песни

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For once in my life I have someone who needs me Someone I’ve needed so long For once unafraid I can go where life leads me and somehow I know I’ll be strong For once I can touch what my heart used to dream of Long before I knew Someone warm like you Who have my dreams come true For once in my life I won't let sorrow hurt me Not like it's hurt me before For once I have someone I know won't desert me I’m not alone anymore For once I can say This is mine you can’t take it As long as I know I have love I can make it For once in my life I have someone who needs me For once I can say This is mine you can’t take it As long as I know I have love we can make it For once in my life I have someone who needs me

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