Splender - SpinТекст песни

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There was a bright light But it was an off white Upside down memory 1: I'm caught in a landslide I'm caught in a joyride As my blood Begins to thin 2: You say it's a fact You say it's a feeling To stab in my back So long, sorry It makes me cry (it makes me sad) So wrong, so rare But I don't feel And you're not there And I don't want you back Well you had a hard day Of pushing me away Please don't push I fall easily Well you put a hard strain Hard on the membrane I react to words you say It's not like I care It's not like I'm bleeding Or numb everywhere But I don't Cause I stopped spinning around for you There was a bright light But it was an off white All the world came Crashing down Repeat 1 Repeat 2 But I don't feel it coming on again It's making me high Cause I stopped spinning around for you

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