Mainliner: Wreckage From The Past (1995)

Social Distortion текст песни

Social Distortion - Under My ThumbТекст песни

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Under my thumb' the girl Who once had me down Under my thumb's the girl Who once fucked me around It's down to me The way she does when she stole the truth out of me Change has come, she's under my thumb Under my thumb's The squirmin' dog who's just had her day Under my thumb's A girl who has just changed her ways It's down to me The difference in the clothes she wears, down to me Change has come, she's under my thumb Under my thumb It's a siamese Cat of a girl Under my thumb Well, she's the sweetest Pet in the world It's down to me The way she does as wash your soul out of me Change has come, she's under my thumb Under my thumb Her eyes are just kept To herself Under my thumb Well, I I can still look at someone else It's down to me The way she comes when I tell here to laugh at me Change has come, she's under my thumb Yeah

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