Social Distortion - This Time Darlin'Текст песни

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As I'm looking back on broken Down dreams heartbreaks and Memories that I've had. I made it Through the hard times and came Back a stronger man but this time Darling it's just not the same Down the lonely stairs with a Suitcase in my hand misery can be A heavy load. I've made it through the hard Times and in pain I made it back But this time darling it's just not The same In the morning I was lonely but Never bothered to cry never even Stopped to wonder why leaving Was just another part of the Game but this time darling it's Just not the same In the morning I was lonely but Never bothered to cry never even Stopped to wonder why leaving Was just another part of the Game but this time darling it's Just not the same As I'm looking back on broken Down dreams heartbreaks and Memories that I've had. I made it Through the hard times and came Back a stronger man but this time Darling it's just not the same This time darling it's just not the same This time darling it's just not the same This time darling it's just not the same

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