Demmamussabebonk (1996)

Snuff текст песни

Snuff - DefeatТекст песни

Выделите цитату, смысл которой может быть неочевиден и вы бы хотели её пояснить или запросите её пояснение.Кликните на highlighted цитату, чтобы объяснить её или на highlighted, чтобы посмотреть аннотации к ней.
Your eyes fall You're staring at your shoes again Head bowed through a view of the nonsense A losing streak just left you sitting staring through space Summer's gone & all the leaves have fallen On & on the only one to know Withdrawn Staring at your shoes again Same piece of carpet same losing streak A losing streak just left you sitting staring through space Summer's gone & all the leaves have fallen On & on the only one to know The winter wind blows colder now The wind blows colder than it's ever blown Left you sitting staring into space Summer's gone & all the leaves have fallen On & on the only one to know Withdrawn Staring at your shoes again Same piece of carpet same losing streak A losing streak just left you sitting staring through space Left you sitting staring alone Your thoughts a thousand miles away On & on the only one to know

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