The Sonet Blues Story: 1977 (2006)

Snooks Eaglin текст песни

Snooks Eaglin - Let the Four Winds BlowТекст песни

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I like the way you walk I like the way you talk Let me hold your hand Try to understand I want a girl like you To tell my troubles to Don't you be afraid You heard what I said Let the four winds blow Let 'em blow let 'em blow From the east to the west I'll love you the best Let the four winds blow Let 'em blow let 'em blow From the east to the west I'll love you the best I like the way you walk I like the way you talk Let me hold your hand Try to understand I want a girl like you To tell my troubles to Don't you be afraid You heard what I said Let the four winds blow Let 'em blow let 'em blow From the east to the west I'll love you the best Let the four winds blow Let 'em blow let 'em blow From the east to the west I'll love you the best

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