Live At Otherlands [Bonus DVD] (2005)

Sid Selvidge текст песни

Sid Selvidge - Come from the HeartТекст песни

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My daddy told me when I was a young girl A lesson he learned, it was a long time ago If you want to have someone to hold onto You're gonna have to learn to let go You got to sing like you don't need the money Love like you'll never get hurt You got to dance like nobody's watchin' It's gotta come from the heart If you want it to work Now here is the one thing I keep forgettin' When everything is falling apart In life as in love, you know I need to remember There's such a thing as trying too hard You got to sing like you don't need the money Love like you'll never get hurt You got to dance like nobody's watchin' It's gotta come from the heart If you want it to work You got to sing sometimes like you don't need the money Love sometimes like you'll never get hurt You got to dance, dance, dance like nobody's watchin' It's gotta come from the heart if you want it to work

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