Every Beat Of My Heart (2005)

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Sharissa - Take Me as I AmТекст песни

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You make the whole Me cry you make the sould in Me die whats the problem First of all you say true love Is hard to find I'm true and I have Love I'll be good to you Seems to me I'm Not what you need Just take me as I'am Don't leave me here alone Just take me as I'am I cant be a better person but I can be a better man Take me as I 'am All though physical things change And a friendship through reality can Change at the same time trying To maintain why this shit is the same Just take me as I'am Don't leave me here alone Just take me as I'am I cant be a better person but I can be a better man Take me as I 'am Just take me as I'am Don't leave me here alone Just take me as I'am I cant be a better person but I can be a better man Take me as I 'am

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