Scream (2004)

Shannon Murray текст песни

Shannon Murray - With YouТекст песни

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We are spirits wrapped in bodies that do not last We are moments over once we have passed And we pass I am with you I can't be where you are but the distance between our hearts is not so far But I am with you We are of this earth, we are of the sun We are powerless to say when and where and how we should return And we return I am with you I can't reach you by land or sea, I can't explain life's cruelty But I am with you We are travelers maples underneath the stars We are simple songs that fade into silence but we return We return I am with you I can't reach you by boat or rail, I can't even send this love through the mail But I am with you We are forest fires that rage and then expire We are answers, we answer every question We do I am with you I can't hold you in my arms, I can't say we are safe from harm But I am with you

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