When Do We Start Fighting? (2001)

Seafood текст песни

Seafood - Western BattleТекст песни

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Blind meeting blind Gotta get away from their art Gotta get a skin that I can fill Time for me to breathe it's been too long Plenty tires your mind I can use a little more Well you think you got it right I could use a little more So I'll keep moving Through your starland 'Cause I'm closing Where you gonna run to next? All the wasters come alive All the wasters come alive All the wasters come alive And all the wasters... Blind linking to I got myself a line linking from So laughing at the best that you can do I'm laughing 'cause I know I'll soon be strong Plenty tires your mind I can use a little more Well you think you got it right I could use a little more I'll keep moving Through your starland 'Cause I'm closing Where you gonna run to next? All the wasters come alive And all the wasters come alive And all the wasters come alive And all the wasters... And all the wasters All the wasters And all the wasters All the wasters And all the wasters Go! Plenty tires your mind I can use a little more Well you think you got it right Yeah could use a little more I'll keep moving Through your starland 'Cause I'm closing Where you gonna run to next? I'll keep moving Through your starland 'Cause I'm closing Where you gonna run to next? All the wasters come alive And all the wasters come alive All the wasters come alive All the wasters come alive

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