Salvador - Salt and LightТекст песни

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There is no doubt about it There ain't no other way Live, love and be about it Light of the world to say Don't you worry What you're gonna be I can see you, I can see you I can see you You are the salt of all the earth You are His feet, His eyes, His hands You are the light of all the world High on the hill, so let us stand Shining bright, salt and light There is no doubt about it There ain't no other way Live, love and be about it Light of the world to say Don't you worry What you're gonna be I can see you, I can see you I can see you You are the salt of all the earth You are His feet, His eyes, His hands You are the light of all the world High on the hill, so let us stand Shining bright, salt and light Don't you worry What you're gonna be I can see you, I can see you I can see you You are the salt of all the earth You are His feet, His eyes, His hands You are the light of all the world High on the hill, so let us stand Shining bright, salt and light You are the salt of all the earth You are His feet, His eyes, His hands You are the light of all the world High on the hill, so let us stand Shining bright, salt and light

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