Saliva - Toxic SuicideТекст песни

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Take my bottle away And my heart is in your hands Take my pills away Or you'll never understand Been so close to the edge I know that I can't walk away Toxic suicide Toxic suicide Toxic suicide As the world goes by And the sky is falling down Send my pain away Moments I can't face Send my world away 'Til I can find another place Been so close to the edge I know that I just can't walk away Toxic suicide Toxic suicide Toxic suicide As the world goes by And the sky is falling down Cut from love And pushed and shoved 'Til I'm in hell below I've wrestled rage And turned the page But the devil runs the show Toxic suicide Toxic suicide Toxic suicide As the world goes by And the sky is falling down Toxic suicide Toxic suicide Toxic suicide As the world goes by And the sky is falling down

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