Ignorance/Surf Nicaragua (2007)

Sacred Reich текст песни

Sacred Reich - Victim of DemiseТекст песни

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Rotting corpse Slowly rotting away Fatally diseased A victim of rancid decay Death from inside The fuge growing shorter his life Darkness takes over Pathetic victim of demise Decomposing internal organs Virus killing, mental disorder Limbs lie rotting, bodily slaughter Slowly losing his life Agonizing, dying pain From his body lifeblood is drained Prolonged suffering driving inside Victim of demise Mutant genes Confusing the code DNA Cancerous onslaught An end to the suffering you pray Disfiguration A lesion, a polyp, a cyst Functional torture Entrails mangle and twist Decomposing internal organs Virus killing, mental disorder Limbs lie rotting, bodily slaughter Slowly losing his life Agonizing, dying pain From his body lifeblood is drained Prolonged suffering driving inside Victim of demise Rotting corpse Slowly rotting away Fatally diseased A victim of rancid decay Death from inside The fuge growing shorter his life Darkness takes over Pathetic victim of demise Decomposing internal organs Virus killing, mental disorder Limbs lie rotting, bodily slaughter Slowly losing his life Agonizing, dying pain From his body lifeblood is drained Prolonged suffering driving inside Victim of demise

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