Jump Salty EP (1994)

Pinhead Gunpowder текст песни

Pinhead Gunpowder - I WannaТекст песни

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I want to work to make ideas real Sometimes far-fetched but I still feel That we could try and maybe they Would just work out But you say no, don't even try I ask but you don't know why You just frown and shoot me down Yeah, you're so smart Everyone's so cynical Can't feel a thing, so logical Can't make a point, they Intellectualize everything I believe in naievty Don't think it's dumb Believe in dreams and silly schemes Still human I wish I was, and not dumb But I feel myself getting numb... I gotta dream and you can't say That it's not right and it's okay To just give up But you say no, don't even try I ask you but you don't know why You just frown and shoot me down Yeah, you're so smart People say so condescending Your idealism is amusing But I say being alive is choosing To not give up

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