Paul Whiteman - Hot Lips (He's Got Hot Lips When He Plays Jazz)Текст песни

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There's a boy that's in our band And how he blows that horn Finest since you're born When he starts you're gone They all call him "Hot Lips" for He blows real red-hot notes And ev'rybody on the floor just floats (That's what they say) He's got hot lips when he plays Jazz He draws out steps like no one has You're on your toes and shake your shoes Boy, how he goes when he plays Blues I watch the crowd until he's through He can be proud they're "cuckoo," too His music's rare you must declare The boy is there with two hot lips He's got hot lips when he plays Jazz He draws out steps, like no one has You're on your toes, and shake your shoes Boy, how he goes when he plays Blues I watch the crowd until he's through He can be proud they're "cuckoo," too His music's rare you must declare The boy is there with two hot lips Heard him play the other night And old man Oscar Clive who is eighty five Sure as you're alive Got so frisky when he started out to do his stuff Was told to sit right down for being rough (And then he said) He's got hot lips when he plays Jazz He draws out steps, like no one has You're on your toes, and shake your shoes Boy, how he goes when he plays Blues I watch the crowd until he's through He can be proud they're "cuckoo," too His music's rare you must declare The boy is there with two hot lips

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