Patricia Barber - Just One of Those ThingsТекст песни

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It was just one of those things One of those crazy fling One of those bells that now and then rings It was just one of those things It was just one of those nights One of those fabulous flights A trip to the moon on gossamer wings One of those things If we had thought a bit Of the end of it when we started painting the town We had been aware that our love affair Was too hot not too cool down So goodbye, dear and amen Here's hoping we'll meet now and then It was great fun but it was just one of those things If we had thought a bit Of the end of it when we started painting the town We'd been aware that our love affair Was too hot not too cool down So goodbye, dear and amen Here's hoping we'll meet now and then It was great fun but it was just one of those things It was just one of those things

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