Dead To The World (1998)

Officer Negative текст песни

Officer Negative - Don't Turn AwayТекст песни

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Every time You take your eyes off God Its just another time Your beneath the odds Every time you look the other way Its just another time You've gone astray So your stumbling through life You just don't know Your trusting yourself With your living soul Is it worth all the pain Worth the guilt Of turning your back On what is real Don't turn away The life of God To please yourself You got it all wrong You won't find A better gift Of life in Christ No don't turn away You say you have Thought things through You've make up your mind On what your gonna do And this whole Christian God like thing Well it just ain't for you And now your gunna leave So this world has got you down And Satan's crawling up your back And your blaming everybody But you You turned your back on God You say you messed things up But don't you see the problem Is you Where's your faith Where's your trust Call his name Jesus So don't turn away from God He didn't turn from you Even when your wrong Well you don't think its time For you To give yourself to Christ And live a brand new life

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