Are You Passionate? (2002)

Neil Young текст песни

Neil Young - (Quit) Don't Say You Love MeТекст песни

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Don't say you love me That's what she said Don't say you love me That's what she said Hey baby I'm your man I know I treated you bad But I'm doin' the best I can Now is not the time To cash it in I'm with you babe I've always been And I got to tell you baby That our love is strong And I'm the one The one that did you wrong Don't say you love me That's what she said Don't say you love me That's what she said Hey baby Don't count me out I still got a lot to give Stick around and find out I might surprise you With what our love still brings I'm never quiting you Even if you quit me And I got to tell you baby Our love is strong And I'm the one The one that did you wrong Don't say you love me That's what she said Don't say you love me That's what she said Don't say you love me Don't say you love me Don't say you love me Don't say you love me

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