Mungo Jerry - Keep Your Hands off HerТекст песни

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Keep your hands off - hands off, keep your hands off - hands off, Keep your hands off her, you can hear what I say, You know she don't belong to you She's a heavy-hipped mama, she's got some great big legs, She's a heavy-hipped mama, she's got some great big legs, She's a heavy-hipped mama, she's got some great big legs, like walking on soft boiled eggs [Repeat chorus] Her name is Josie and she's so nosy, Her name is Josie and she's so nosy, Her name is Josie and she's so nosy, Her name is Josie yea she sure is cosy, [Repeat chorus] She's a heavy-hipped mama and she looks just great, She's a heavy-hipped mama and she looks just great, She's a heavy-hipped mama and she looks just great, She's got what it takes Repeat chorus

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