Highway Songs (2002)

Missing Joe текст песни

Missing Joe - Maybe TonightТекст песни

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I can watch the city lights You could disappear We can fuss with the radio Nothing ever comes in clear This mystery is history She's breaking down tonight I can fit my whole life in the back-seat of my van If you never hear from me, I hope you understand This losing streak has made me weak It's changing who I am Maybe tonight Maybe tonight You and I could make believe that everything's all right Maybe tonight Maybe tonight You and I could make believe that everything is fine Maybe I could drive away Straight down ninety five I could roll the windows down Slowly feel the temperature rise This long good-bye is suicide I think you're dying too There's a place far from here You used to want to go I hear your voice in the air tonight Coming through the stereo It fades away from state to state I'm losing touch with you [Chorus]

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