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Michael Hurley текст песни

Michael Hurley - Mona LisaТекст песни

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Mona Lisa, Mona Lisa men have named you You're so like the lady with the mystic smile Is it only cause you're lonely they have blamed you For that Mona Lisa strangeness in your smile Do you smile to tempt a lover Mona Lisa? Or is this your way to hide a broken heart? Many dreams have been brought to your doorstep They just lie there, and they die there Are you warm, are you real Mona Lisa? Or just a cold and lonely, lovely work of art. Do you smile to tempt a lover Mona Lisa? Or is this your way to hide a broken heart? Many dreams have been brought to your doorstep They just lie there, and they die there Are you warm, are you real Mona Lisa? Or just a cold and lonely, lovely work of art. Mona Lisa, Mona Lisa.

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