Dragonfly Summer (1993)

Michael Franks текст песни

Michael Franks - I Love LucyТекст песни

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I love lucy and she loves me We're as happy as two can be We have our quarrel bue then Girl, how we love making up again Lucy kisses like know one can She's my misses and I'm her man And life is heaven you see 'couse I love lucy, yesm I love lucy And lucy loves me I love lucy and she loves me We're as happy as two can be We have our quarrel bue then How we love making up again Lucy kisses like know one can She's my misses and I'm her man And life is heaven you see 'couse I love lucy, yesm I love lucy And lucy loves me I love lucy and she loves me We're as happy as two can be We have our quarrel bue then Girl, how we love making up again

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