Metal Church - Cradle to GraveТекст песни

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And when the strings are pulled again, the puppets dance like mortal men Who carved in stone our future and our past Shall we read the blood stained pages and take counsel with the sages And hear the chanting of a mind's collapse In my name, I will bring you from the cradle to the grave From points unknown in senseless daze, watching as the fools parade The tower bells are pounding like a drum Glance back at a new world brave, the cradle has become the grave And people praise the God they've stolen from In this world we have false leaders, wearing the mask of the deceiver They're seeking out the non-believers, and in these masks you'll never see us You kill the anger, kill the pain, only empty souls remain God forgive them, will they ever learn Kings and pawns, emperors and fools, no man sleeps on this night Bend my words into a twisted truth, no one gets out without a fight

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