The Eternal Triangle (1988)

Mark Elf текст песни

Mark Elf - Prelude to a KissТекст песни

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If you hear A song in blue Like a flower crying For the dew That was my heart serenading you My prelude to a kiss If you hear a song that grows From my tender sentimental woes That was my heart trying to compose A prelude to a kiss Though it's just a simple melody With nothing fancy Nothing much You could turn it to a symphony A Shubert tune with a Gershwin touch Oh how my love song gently cries For the tenderness within your eyes My love is a prelude that never dies A prelude to a kiss Though it's just a simple melody With nothing fancy Nothing much You could turn it to a symphony A Shubert tune with a Gershwin touch Oh how my love song so gently cries For the tenderness within your eyes My love is a prelude that never dies A prelude to a kiss

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