The Best Of Mandy Moore (2004)

Mandy Moore текст песни

Mandy Moore - Can We Still Be Friends?Текст песни

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We can't play this game anymore but Can we still be friends? Things just can't go on like before but Can we still be friends? We had something to learn Now it's time for the wheel to turn Grains of sand, one by one Before you know it, all gone Let's admit we made a mistake but Can we still be friends? Heartbreak's never easy to take but Can we still be friends? It's a strange, sad affair Sometimes seems like we just don't care Don't waste time feeling hurt We've been through hell together Can we still be friends? Can we still get together sometimes? Can we still be friends? You know that life will still go on We awoke from our dream Things are not always what they seem Memories linger on It's like a sweet, sad, old song Can we still be friends? Can we still get together sometimes? Can we still be friends? You know that life will still go on Can we still be friends? Can we still get together sometimes? Can we still be friends? You know that life will still go on

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