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MUTEMATH текст песни

MUTEMATH - Odd SoulТекст песни

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I was once a son, now I'm on my own Went through every war and I've got myself to show But trials and tribulations seem to always track me down I'll ride off into the sunset and try me another town I'm an odd soul Ah, yes an odd soul, Walk on side roads 'Cause that's the only way I know I'm an odd soul Ah, yes an odd soul Watch for who you know, careful what you try Everywhere I go I still got myself to fight And one day if my child ever wonders what is wrong I won't bat an eye when I tell him "daddy don't belong" I'm an odd soul Ah, yes an odd soul, Walk on side roads 'Cause that's the only way I know I'm an odd soul, Ah, yes an odd soul Follow ? road Just trying to find a place called home (Got an odd soul, Is that all right?) I see it I'm an odd soul, Ah, yes an odd soul I see it I'm an odd soul, Ah, yes an odd soul

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